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Apr 30th
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Home Art Features Valueables By Bob Stewart
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Valueables By Bob Stewart

 Ah, those things that we obtain.  The measurement by which life is judged.  The amount of holdings one has determines to what extent a person is esteemed.  Some might think that this is a crass comment but none-the-less, it's valid.  People have historically bowed to the one who has appeared to gain this worlds goods.  Why?  In hopes of gaining favor there-by obtaining what appears to be the things that matter in life.  In reality we are all renting, we own nothing, it will all disappear, things for things sake will lose their value.  When you find yourself in need of a gasp of air the thought of a prized piece of art or other tangible is non existent.  When you are in dire need of your daily needs, food, water, nothing else really matters.

Realization.......that daunting feeling that tells you about reality.  What you have is actually what you are.  Nothing more!  What are you allowed to own?  That which you may ingest into your being that is all.  You can own the memory of a good or bad time.  There are triggers that can bring real value to life.  It may be something that on the outside appears to be rude or obtrusive, but when the full translation occurs it becomes something pleasant to the owner of this sensation.  I know for me the smell of a stale, sweaty locker-room is a trigger but  many would take it for what it is....merely malodorous, but there are those that have had moments of exhilaration that started and stopped in those sweaty confines.  This particular smell brings those moments back to life.  In a way this is a gift from G-D it is just for you.  The people, that have crossed your life's path, what you glean from them becomes your own.  No matter whether it be good or bad you will become the owner of those moments.  You choose what you will hold onto.  If the thing causes you pain you must delete it.  We all casually say, "Life is  Short", but it is merely a saying to all those that don't truly know that it is true..... life is  short.  I'm reminded of a head-stone I once read in a run- down graveyard.


     "As you are, I once was"

     "As I Am you will be"

     "Prepare to meet thy Lord thy G-D"


Those lines always haunt me, we are not infallible.  A single day can cause you a whole new perspective, depending on circumstance. 

So what will we do to make this time of value?  As we pass through the vacuum of time will we be a translation or merely malodorous?

My kids constantly ask me, "What is the one thing that you have learned, if you had to condense all your wisdom into a capsule, what is the one thing you would give us"?  You have to be honest with kids, so I told them the one thing I've learned is this, Noooo matter what it looks like, no matter how sure you are, never, never, never,ever ask a woman when SHE IS DUE......

     Love Always, Bob

Oh, P.S. Do unto as you would have them do unto you.

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